Since boyhood James has been fascinated by the deeds and actions of the famous explorers and military leaders of history, and in recent years he has started a series of personal expeditions and challenges to rectrace the routes, exploits and locations of these historical figures.
The idea of this series of expedition is to undertake a historical journey, to reconnect with the places and actions of historical figures, to explore what has changed throughout history and to undertake a physical challenge and an expedition with a purpose.
#3 On the Trail of the Warrior Queen- BOUDICA, 2020
In AD 60-61Boudica the warrior queen of the Icini Tribe waged a personal vendetta against the occupying Roman forces in the East of England.
After haranging the British Tribes she led them on a brave mission to drive the Romans from the Island.
Her route took her from the Icini heartlands in East Anglia, to attack the Roman Garrisons of Colchester then on to Chelmford, raising these towns to the ground. Spurred on by her success she trekked her forces on to London, and then to St Albans, driving fear into the Romans and burning all in her path!
Finally the Romans sent a battle hardend legion to hunt her down and end her revolt.
Boudica has gone down in history as a remarkable warrior and leader, driven by hate and passion!
Over Easter 2020 James, along with his Wife, Alice, and 9 year old Twins, Sam & Poppy will recreate her journey, using public transport to travel from Norwich to Colchester, then on to London and finally on to St Albans, finishing at the Roman ruins of Verulamium.
Find out more Boudica 2020
#4- SPARTAN!- TBC (Greece)
The infamous march of the King Leonidus and his 300 Spartan warriors from Sparta to the narrow sea path at Thermopylae to defend Greece against the Persian King Xerxes and his huge army, has been recorded as one of the great military defences of history.
James intends to follow the route of the 300 by bike, travelling solo through a landscape steeped in the history of the city states of ancient Greece.
Find out more about the expedition here Spartan 2020
#2- In Search of Hannibal- June 2017 (Spain, France & Italy)
In June 2017 James cycled solo from Carthegena in Spain to Turin in Italy following the possible route followed by 3rd Century Cartagenian General Hannibal, who along with his 50,000 troops and 36 elephants trekked for 3 months crossing a remote route across the Alps to invade Italy and take is personal vengance against the Roman Empire.
Find out more about this expedition In Search of Hannibal 2017
#1- In the Footsteps of Lawrence- April 2014 (Jordan)
Following the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia, James led a 26 person expedition made up of RAF Air Cadets and Staff on a 10 day expedition across the Jordanian desert from Wadi Rumm to the village of Mudawarra near the border with Saudi Arabia.
This expedition won the 2014 Shackleton Trophy for RAF Air Cadet Best Expedition, and the 2015 Ulyssess Trust Best Cadet Expedition Award.